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Hello Midway EPC Family,


Excitement is in the air!  Your Session has met and has prayerfully put together a plan to re-open the doors of Midway.  Your Session will do all that's necessary to ensure safety as we join together for worship.


Midway EPC Guidelines For Re-opening


1.  Sunday June 7, 2020 @ 10am will be the start of corporate worship. Social distancing will be enforced.


2.  There will be no Sunday School or Nursery until further notice.


3.  We strongly encourage those especially vulnerable to the COVID-19 to continue to stay at home and watch worship services on line. 


4.  Those who have a fever or other signs of contracting COVID-19 or flu should stay at home.  People should also stay home if someone in their home has these symptoms.


5.  Session/Deacons will be opening the doors as you arrive and will assist you in any way.


6.  Everyone will be encouraged to use hand sanitizer when they enter the sanctuary.  We also encourage the use of masks, but they are not mandatory.


7.  Hymnals and pew Bibles will be removed.  There will be no bulletins handed out.  Please no hugs or handshakes.


8.  The Session will have pews marked off with the six foot social distancing rule.  We also encourage parents to keep their children and youth within their family group at all times.


9.  The offering plates will not be passed; however there will be offering plates at the three entrances/exits to assist you in your giving to the Lord.


God bless each of you as we look forward to worshiping together!


The Midway EPC Session

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